Monday, January 26, 2009

Panel of the Week - The Scarlet Bowl

More than 25 years before the first Super Bowl was played, our gal Scarlet found herself penalized for illegal interference in a very painful way! Her motivation was just however, as a group of thugs had decided to use some unfair tactics against their opponents in order to win some charity prize money. As always, Scarlet took her lumps but got the job done. With only the noblest of intentions, Scarlet "participated" in nearly every popular male sport of the times - baseball, football, boxing, and even horse racing. She may not have been built like an athlete, but she gave 110% every time she stepped out on the field. Even though no one ever saw her play, she's still our MVP!


On another note, this week's panels were taken from a strip dated 12-7-1940, exactly one year before the "Day of Infamy" and the attack on Pearl Harbor. A reminder that you never know what the future holds, so whatever the score may be, we hope you enjoy this weekend's festivities!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Panel of the Week - Scarlet Meets the President

This week Barack Obama becomes the 44th President of the United States of America. According to many reports, he is a fan of comics, particularly Spider-Man and last week Marvel released a comic book featuring Obama and Spidey to great success. It is hardly the first time a comic character has encountered an actual Commander-in-Chief. In May of 1941, our own Scarlet O'Neil was away from the Windy City and while visiting the nation's capitol, she decided to sneak a peak in the White House. She did not reveal herself to President Harry S. Truman, but simply observed as he worked in the Oval Office.

Scarlet was impressed with what she saw, "This is a great honor - to be able to watch the President at work. I must be careful not to disturb him. Upon his shoulders rests the gravest responsibilities. This office has been occupied by some of our greatest men. And who knows? Perhaps you or your son or grandson may someday occupy this office too. For this is America."

"Being in the President's office has inspired every ounce of patriotic blood I have in me. The American flag stands for freedom. It must wave forever...and I'm going to help see that it is or I'm not Invisible Scarlet O'Neil."

As we usher in our new President, we are faced with challenges not unlike those in the days of Harry S. Truman. And just as Scarlet vowed nearly 68 years ago, we will all need to do our part to keep the American flag waving with honor and pride.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Panel of the Week - True Colors

Now that I've got your attention...! It may come as no surprise to many of you (especially if you've been reading this blog) that the Sunday strips of Invisible Scarlet O'Neil were reprinted in issues of Famous Funnies magazine. But what you may not know is that the panels were re-colored. I have a few theories on why this happened, though I have not been able to confirm any definitive reason. The most likely explanation is that it was cheaper to print comic books in the four basic colors (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) and it was likely newspapers - then the most popular form of media - had a wider palette. You can easily see the evidence for yourself. The panel above was taken from an actual Sunday page from February 1946, while the one below was published in the September Famous Funnies issue later than year.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Panel of the Week - Happy New Year!

We here at Scarlet Central wish you the best for 2009! Last year was a very good one for us and allowed us to meet many fans across the country and opened many opportunities. We will continue to work on bringing more Scarlet material to you, both old and new. 2009 looks to be a bright one for Scarlet and we hope for you as well!